Workshop: Hsiao-Wei Kuan - Women's Rights are Human Rights

Hsiao-Wei Kuan - Women's Rights are Human Rights

An Austrian-Taiwanese Legal Dialogue


  • Kuan Hsiao-Wei, National Taipei University, Taiwan
  • Elisabeth Greif, Legal Gender Studies, Johannes-Kepler Universität Linz
  • Nikolaus Benke, Institut für Römisches Recht und Antike Rechtsgeschichte, Universität Wien

Moderation: Astrid Lipinsky, Vienna Center for Taiwan Studies, Universität Wien

10.00: Opening of Workshop

10.15: Kuan Hsiao-Wei: An Old Norm with New Missions: Implementing CEDAW in Taiwan

11.00: Elisabeth Greif: The Rights of Sexual Minorities under CEDAW – A Queer Reading of the Women’s Convention

Discussion: Is CEDAW really a global convention, and can it be used accross cultures?

12.30 – 14.00: Lunch break

14.00: Kuan Hsiao-Wei: The Human Rights Approach to Infidelity:

The Transformation of the Movement to Decriminalize Adultery in Taiwan

14.45: Nikolaus Benke: n.n.

15.30 – 16.30 Discussion: Historically seen: Is the human rights approach advantageous?


Sat, May 27, 2017 / 10:00 - 17:00

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