Film: A One and A Two (Yi Yi) [HKIFF41 Hong Kong]

The 41st Hong Kong International Film Festival
10-year commemorative retrospective of Edward Yang

2000    國語    173 分鐘 中文字幕


楊德昌借一個台北中產家庭三代同堂的故事,拍成這部多線敘事卻平易近人的集大成之作。人到中年的NJ 一方面挽救事業危機,一方面捨不得久別重逢的初戀情人。妻子因母親中風昏迷,身心俱疲,尋求神明慰藉。女兒婷婷情竇初開,愛情卻是先甜後苦。小兒子洋洋愛拿相機拍人家的後腦勺,給別人看他們看不到的東西。由婚禮開始,以喪禮結束,悲歡離合盡在其中,盛載楊德昌對台北不懈的觀察、批判與關懷。獲康城影展最佳導演獎。楊德昌夫人彭鎧立將出席映後談,分享她為本片作曲、配樂及任美術設計的經驗。


A One and a Two (a.k.a. Yi Yi)

2000      Mandarin     173min

Cast: Wu Nien-Jen, Jonathan Chang, Elaine Jin, Kelly Lee

A decade after A Brighter Summer Day, Yang again used a family to scrutinize 21st century Taipei life. Mom wants to take time off in the monastery; and Pa, in a mid-life crisis, meets his first love again. Little Brother suddenly finds his classmate adorable. Traumatised by adolescent love, Older Sister received comfort from the miraculously awaken Grandma. The title reminds us to look at life’s complexity in an easy way, last words from the master. Cannes Film Festival Best Director Award.


Thu, Apr 13, 2017 /

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